This page contains links to selected media reports on rabbit issues and rabbit control.
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Great booklet about new bio-control RHDV1 K5
A great booklet full of information about the selection of RHDV1 K5 as a new biological control for rabbits in Australia has been produced by the... Continue reading→
RHDV2 and RHDV1 – April 2016 update
RHDV1 has been used as a bio-agent for rabbit control in Australia since 1996. A new virus, RHDV2, has now been found in NSW, Victoria... Continue reading→
Landline covers the pending release of RHDVK5
The ABC Landline program has provided a thorough update on the pending release of the RHDVK5 virus. To see the story and transcript visit the... Continue reading→
Approval for eventual release of RHDV K5
The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has approved the registration of a new RHDV K5 strain of rabbit calicivirus that will strengthen Australia’s... Continue reading→
Ferrets still have a role in rabbit control
Ferrets can still be a valued part of rabbit control – and they make good pets, according to ferret fancier Warren Bettridge. Click to see the... Continue reading→
Why celebrate Easter with a devastating pest?
Alice Springs based author, Kaye Kessing, explains why she is so enthusiastic in the promotion of Easter Bilby in an ABC media article.
The Origins of Easter Bunny
Why Easter Bilby and ‘Bilbies not Bunnies’ are promoted – a great article by RFA Patron, Brian Cooke, in ‘The Conversation’. Continue reading→
New strain of RHDV in SA
A new strain of RHDV (the rabbit calicivirus) is now on the move in South Australia, and researchers want to learn more about it. A... Continue reading→
Get them while they’re down
Advice for landholders to control rabbits while their numbers are low after a dry summer. Port Lincoln Times article from Eyre Peninsula NRM
Fewer rabbits > fewer feral predators > more small mammals
Amazing increases in the distribution and occurrence of the dusky hopping mouse, plains mouse and crest-tailed mulgara have been attributed to rabbit control. RHDV suppressed... Continue reading→
Rabbits Running Rife
Great effort by students at Cowra Public School to tell about the impact of rabbits.
Update on release plans for RHDV1 K5
Planning is underway for the release in Australia of a calicvirus strain (RHDV1 K5) which is expected to perform well in cooler, wetter regions. http:// Continue reading→