This page contains links to selected media reports on rabbit issues and rabbit control.
Please contact us if you see anything that should be included.
Media Categories
RHDV2 found in WA
A strain of calici virus (RHDV2) first found in eastern Australia in 2015 has now been detected in Western Australia. For more information see the... Continue reading→
Prey-switching research planned at Roxby
Hugh McGregor is planning to study how cats and foxes respond to the arrival of RHDV2 at the Arid recovery research site at Roxby Downs,... Continue reading→
Rabbit skin coat – life in the 1940s
A ladies rabbit fur coat, worn in the 1940s, reveals a charming story. A post by Jon Lineen of the National Museum tells the story... Continue reading→
Help rabbit control by reporting local activity
In preparation for the release of RHDV1 K5, landholders and the community are being asked to help develop baseline information about rabbit numbers and to provide any... Continue reading→
Qld rabbit fanciers risk fines
Gold Coast owners of an escaped flemish giant rabbit face heavy penalties – keeping rabbits is prohibited in Queensland. For the full story see the Gold... Continue reading→
Great booklet about new bio-control RHDV1 K5
A great booklet full of information about the selection of RHDV1 K5 as a new biological control for rabbits in Australia has been produced by the... Continue reading→
RHDV2 and RHDV1 – April 2016 update
RHDV1 has been used as a bio-agent for rabbit control in Australia since 1996. A new virus, RHDV2, has now been found in NSW, Victoria... Continue reading→
Landline covers the pending release of RHDVK5
The ABC Landline program has provided a thorough update on the pending release of the RHDVK5 virus. To see the story and transcript visit the... Continue reading→
Approval for eventual release of RHDV K5
The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has approved the registration of a new RHDV K5 strain of rabbit calicivirus that will strengthen Australia’s... Continue reading→
Ferrets still have a role in rabbit control
Ferrets can still be a valued part of rabbit control – and they make good pets, according to ferret fancier Warren Bettridge. Click to see the... Continue reading→
Why celebrate Easter with a devastating pest?
Alice Springs based author, Kaye Kessing, explains why she is so enthusiastic in the promotion of Easter Bilby in an ABC media article.
The Origins of Easter Bunny
Why Easter Bilby and ‘Bilbies not Bunnies’ are promoted – a great article by RFA Patron, Brian Cooke, in ‘The Conversation’. Continue reading→