
The Foundation is governed by a Committee elected from and by Foundation members. Audited financial statements and an annual report are presented at each Annual General Meeting.

In this section:


The Foundation for Rabbit Free Australia is governed by a voluntary Committee of Foundation members. Nominated members may be elected to the Committee at the Annual General Meeting.

The role of Patron is important in presenting the Foundation as a serious not-for-profit entity, grappling a problem with national implications. For this reason, the first Patrons were Governors-General. More recently, Patrons with a strong research background have been invited to play that role.

Current Committee:

Assoc. Prof. Brian Cooke

Adj. Prof. Wayne Meyer

Treasurer & Public Officer
William Morgan

Executive Officer & Secretary
Peter Day



Craig Magnussen
Dr Carolyn Ireland
Dr Graeme Finlayson
Dr Amy Iannella
Joe Keynes (Foundation Sponsor nominee)
Fiona Krawczyk (Foundation Sponsor nominee)

Anne Burgi, Bruce Munday, Nicholas Newland, Vicki Linton, Rosie Gerolemou

Former Chairs and Patrons:

Past Chairs

Dr Ed McAlister, AO
Dr Rob Morrison, OAM
Nicholas Newland, AM
Dr John Radcliffe, AM
Dr Peter Allen, AM
Tim Rogers
Nicholas Newland, AM
Peter Alexander

Past Patrons

The Honourable Bill Hayden
William Deane, AC
Dr Frank Fenner, AC
Assoc Prof Brian Cooke, OAM

Recent Annual Reports

 2023, 2022, 2021 2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015   2014   2013   2012

Annual financial statements are available at our Australian Charities & Not-for-profits Commission registry page.


The Foundation for Rabbit Free Australia enjoys generous support from, and is committed to working with and assisting, like-minded people and organisations – be they businesses, governments, community groups or individuals.

Haigh’s Chocolates saw the opportunity to adopt the Easter Bilby very early in the life of the Foundation. At some considerable risk, Haigh’s phased out chocolate Easter Bunnies after introducing the Easter Bilby in 1993 and have been rabbit-free ever since. The company pays an annual royalty to RFA for the use of the Easter Bilby concept and has branched out into other Australian species as part of its chocolate offering.

Livestock SA has been a long-term supporter of Rabbit-Free Australia, providing assistance with media networks and strategic advice, extending information to landholders, and making meeting rooms available. Their members appreciate the threat rabbits pose to primary production and the need for ongoing research to contain that risk.

Major Supporters

Major supporters invest in specific projects or provide substantive contributions to Rabbit-Free Australia.

  • Zoos SA – AGM venue and promotions
  • Neil Wallace (Wallace Vroulis Bond) – Auditor
  • Paul Tanti (Thomson Geer) – Legal services
  • Amy Cotton (Cotton Consulting) – Website management

Foundation for Rabbit-Free Australia is an Associate Member of Centre for Invasive Species Solutions.