This page contains links to selected media reports on rabbit issues and rabbit control.
Please contact us if you see anything that should be included.
Media Categories
New strain of RHDV in SA
A new strain of RHDV (the rabbit calicivirus) is now on the move in South Australia, and researchers want to learn more about it. A... Continue reading→
Get them while they’re down
Advice for landholders to control rabbits while their numbers are low after a dry summer. Port Lincoln Times article from Eyre Peninsula NRM
Fewer rabbits > fewer feral predators > more small mammals
Amazing increases in the distribution and occurrence of the dusky hopping mouse, plains mouse and crest-tailed mulgara have been attributed to rabbit control. RHDV suppressed... Continue reading→
Rabbits Running Rife
Great effort by students at Cowra Public School to tell about the impact of rabbits.
Update on release plans for RHDV1 K5
Planning is underway for the release in Australia of a calicvirus strain (RHDV1 K5) which is expected to perform well in cooler, wetter regions. http:// Continue reading→
RHDV strains – David Peacock explains
An update on RHDV in Europe and the classification of different strains – including a ‘family tree’.PeacockD_Nov2015_RHDV2
National Rabbit Facilitator – RFA AGM
Mike Reid presented at the 2015 RFA AGM on his role in rabbit control and RHDV Boost.ReidM_NRF_AGM2015
Rabbits down the YouTube
A series of short videos on rabbit control techniques is now available from IACRC.
Rabbits change soil biology
Rabbits change the biology of soils, as well as vegetation – and those changes may be long lasting. Continue reading→
Historic rabbit ecology – a case for rewilding?
A blog from Rewilding Australia provides some historic insight into the spread of rabbits and asks if there is a case for ‘rewilding’ with quolls,... Continue reading→
Rabbit threat abatement plan
Background information and a draft to update the threat abatement plan to control rabbits has been released by the Australian Government. Read more to: see both documents, or... Continue reading→
Sniffing out rabbits to save Mala
Rabbit detection dogs, baiting, fumigation and controlled releases of Calicivirus have all helped to protect mala (rufous hare-wallaby) from competition by rabbits. See the full... Continue reading→