Rabbit R&D Webinar 2025

The 2025 Rabbit R&D Webinar, hosted by the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions and Foundation for Rabbit-Free Australia, will focus on gene-drive technology. It will bring researchers and practitioners together to help people understand this rapidly developing technology and enable informed discussions within communities about its potential for rabbit control and the issues involved. The […]

Eat the Invaders. It will never work.

‘Eat the Invaders’, went to air on ABC TV and ABC iview on Tuesday January 7, 2025. Hosted by Tony Armstrong the first episode looked at rabbits, provocatively asking if ‘our unwanted ecological trash’ can be turned into ‘culinary gold’. It was a great show, highlighting the harm rabbits cause and provoking conversations about how to control […]

Membership Season

Help make Australia rabbit-free. Join Us at Rabbit-Free Australia to rid the nation of the most widespread vertebrate pest and generate healthy, resilient, productive environments. Now is the time to join Foundation for Rabbit-Free Australia and help them raise awareness of the harm caused by wild rabbits, the need for research into ever-better control options, […]

Leap into book week

Leap into book week with Banjo Frog and friends costumes for the kids. You can print and cut-out the costumes for banjo frog, bandicoot, cockatoo and easter bilby to (possibly) make life easier. Visit the easter bilby’s friends website to find the downloads and order your copy of ‘Banjo Frog’s Concert Spectacular’, a delightful educational […]

Keys to rabbit control

Where do you start with rabbit control? It’s a question we often hear so, with the help of fantastic technical advisors, Rabbit-Free Australia has produced a guide; ‘Keys to Rabbit Control’.

The short document is an easy to read distillation of the key principles and processes involved in rabbit control.

Easter Activities for children

Easter Bilby’s Friends offers lots of activities for children over Easter. Enjoy the Banjo Frog Activity Sheets, Learn about native Australian animals from Information Sheets, or Get your copy of Banjo Frog’s Concert Spectacular from a book store near you. They are all available through the Easter Bilby’s Friends website.

Banjo Frog leaps off the page.

Easter Bilby is excited to join his friends for Banjo Frog’s Concert Spectacular. But something’s wrong! Can Easter Bilby help his friends and save the concert? That’s the story that unfolds in ‘Banjo Frog’s Concert Spectacular’, a glorious new children’s book released just in time for Easter. Supported by the Easter Bilby’s Friends website housing […]

National Rabbit Coordinator: Discussion Paper

Foundation for Rabbit-Free Australia has released a Discussion Paper outlining the case for a National Rabbit Management Coordinator, following broad consultation and in response to regulalry seeing first hand the need for such a position. A National Rabbit Coordinator would be expected to reinvigorate interest in rabbit control, promote relevant training, and stimulate the provision of […]

Backyard Bunnies

Rabbits seem to be a growing problem in urban and peri-urban areas around Australia. They cause problems ranging from raiding the veggie patch to undermining houses and sheds, and they can cause significant stress for the people affected. It is not just the physical damage they inflict but also the personal stress of having to […]

Feral cats, rabbits and native mice. Connections.

An entertaining Blog by ecologist John Read reveals the dedication of researchers, sheds light on how rabbits sustain feral cats and foxes resulting in hyper-predation of native fauna, and shows how tricky it can be to understand why species are where they are. Follow the link to read John’s Blog, ‘Sharing the secret. Better than […]