Eat the Invaders. It will never work.

‘Eat the Invaders’, went to air on ABC TV and ABC iview on Tuesday January 7, 2025. Hosted by Tony Armstrong the first episode looked at rabbits, provocatively asking if ‘our unwanted ecological trash’ can be turned into ‘culinary gold’. It was a great show, highlighting the harm rabbits cause and provoking conversations about how to control […]

Start at the bottom for landscape recovery

The continuing ecological recovery of Macquarie Island demonstrates the effectiveness of starting at the bottom of the food web to generate landscape health. An initial focus on feral cats triggered a boom in rabbit and rat populations. Eliminating rabbits, rats and mice paved the way for predator removal and triggered a revival in vegetative habitat […]

World’s oldest continually monitored rabbit site

Monitored since an introduction of calicvirus in 1996, a rabbit colony on Turretfield Research Centre (South Australia) is the longest serving, continually monitored rabbit research site in the world. Data from the site have helped deliver a better understanding of rabbit biology, the transmission and effect of bio-controls (RHDV, RHDV2 and myxomatosis), and rabbit genetics, […]

Myxo still active

Current strains of myxomatosis are far more virulent than that released in 1950, but rabbits have increased resistance as well. Nonetheless, myxo is still important for rabbit control in Australia.

Rabbit-Free Webinar videos

Videos presentations on the environmental and economic impact of rabbits, the latest research on how RHDV is working, and Easter Bilby as an advocate for rabbit control, are now available. The presentations are from a recent webinar co-convened by Rabbit-Free Australia and Centre for Invasive Species Solutions (CISS). The videos are available via CISS and […]

Wild Deserts rebounding

The eradication of ‘every last rabbit, cat and fox’ provided the foundation for the reintroduction of native animals to Sturt National Park, in NW NSW. Two reserve areas, totaling 40 sq kms, are now supporting populations of greater bilbies, crest-tailed mulgara and Shark Bay bandicoots, after they disappeared from the area over 100 years ago. […]

Latest Newsletter

The February 2022 Rabbit-Free Newsletter is now available at the website’s Member’s Lounge. Guests are welcome. Everything from the Annual Report, Gene Drive technology, rabbit ecology and member profiles, to a story about a chef turned rabbit-controller. See Newsletters in the Member’s Lounge.

Unholy trinity – rabbits, cats and foxes

In a recent contribution to The Conversation, Associate Professor Katherine Moseby (UNSW) refers to rabbits, cats and foxes as an unholy trinity. Rabbits competed with native mammals for food and became food themselves for cats and foxes – inflating predator numbers and adding to the predation of native mammals. Katherine has over 25 years of […]

Overabundant herbivores. How they affect plant communities.

Herbivores are considered overabundant when they cause observable harm to a plant community. A framework for thinking about and recording overabundance is presented by John Morgan in a special issue of Ecological Management and Restoration. The focus of this work is on overabundant macropods (wallabies and kangaroos), but the concepts are equally relevant to understanding […]