Rabbit references: Webinar resources

The recent Rabbit R&D Update webinar was a source of great information on rabbits, bio-controls and the impact of rabbits on the environment, including sustaining feral predators. Materials from the webinar are now available: Presentations as PDFs: Brian Cooke, European rabbit fleas. Katherine Moseby, Rabbits & feral cats. Andreas Glanznig, Nationally coordinated rabbit biocontrol R&D. […]

2023 Rabbit R&D Webinar

Registration is now open for the 2023 Rabbit R&D Webinar, co-hosted by Rabbit-Free Australia and CISS (Centre for Invasive Species Solutions). This year the Webinar is looking at rabbits as part of bigger systems, with a focus on bio-controls (Dr Brian Cooke) and their role in ecosystems, including interactions with feral predators (A/Prof Katherine Moseby). […]

Rabbit-Free Webinar videos

Videos presentations on the environmental and economic impact of rabbits, the latest research on how RHDV is working, and Easter Bilby as an advocate for rabbit control, are now available. The presentations are from a recent webinar co-convened by Rabbit-Free Australia and Centre for Invasive Species Solutions (CISS). The videos are available via CISS and […]

Rabbit funding: Critical gaps

Stop-start, short-term, piecemeal research isn’t going to deliver the comprehensive programs of effort required for success in rabbit control.

Rabbit R&D Webinar – Registration now open

Foundation for Rabbit-Free Australia and the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions (CISS) and  are hosting an on-line Rabbit R&D Update on Monday, March 21, 2022. Themes  for the Update are rabbit bio-control and awareness raising, with emphasis on: Environmental and economic benefits of rabbit control How RHDV is working and implications for RHDV-K5 releases Raising […]

Lab work to confront rabbits

Biological controls have been the only effective measure to suppress European wild rabbits across Australia to date, providing opportunities for subsequent control through physical measures like ripping and baiting. However the virulence of bio-controls declines over time as the control agent and rabbits evolve, so a ‘pipeline’ of new control agents is necessary to avoid […]

Multi-pronged approach needed for rabbit control

Rabbits are a persistent problem in many parts of Australia and require an equally persistent, multi-pronged response – that’s the message from a recent ABC News report. The ability of rabbits to breed quickly in good seasons, and the ever-changing dynamics between rabbits and biological controls, make surges in wild rabbit populations an enduring threat […]