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Rabbit Control. More than a ‘silver bullet’.
Effective rabbit control requires the planned integration of different control techniques, but a recent paper...
National Rabbit Coordinator: Discussion Paper
Foundation for Rabbit-Free Australia has released a Discussion Paper outlining the case for a National Rabbit...
Backyard Bunnies
Rabbits seem to be a growing problem in urban and peri-urban areas around Australia. They...
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Feral cats, rabbits and native mice: Connections
An entertaining Blog by ecologist John Read reveals the dedication of researchers, sheds light on...
Rabbit, feral cat & fox control. A springboard to landscape recovery.
The problem The 2021 State of the Environment report (Australian government) notes that rabbits affect...
Genetics help paint a picture. Rabbits across Australia.
Blog: Brian Cooke & Bruce Munday. Featured image: Ron Sinclair. Chasing the DNA trail has...
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