This page contains links to selected media reports on rabbit issues and rabbit control.
Please contact us if you see anything that should be included.
Media Categories
Rabbit R&D Webinar – Registration now open
Foundation for Rabbit-Free Australia and the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions (CISS) and are hosting an on-line Rabbit R&D Update on Monday, March 21, 2022.... Continue reading→
Timing RHDV releases to avoid immunity
RHDV should not be released when young rabbits are about, as they can develop life-long immunity. Continue reading→
Latest Newsletter
The February 2022 Rabbit-Free Newsletter is now available at the website’s Member’s Lounge. Guests are welcome. Everything from the Annual Report, Gene Drive technology, rabbit... Continue reading→
Unholy trinity – rabbits, cats and foxes
In a recent contribution to The Conversation, Associate Professor Katherine Moseby (UNSW) refers to rabbits, cats and foxes as an unholy trinity. Rabbits competed with... Continue reading→
Rabbits – ecosystem invaders
Rabbits and hares are the most widely spread herbivores in the Kosciuszko National Park, and are associated with less dense foliage, more bare ground and... Continue reading→
Simple, relevant advice for pest control
The Virtual Extension Officer tailors on-line pest control advice to the location and terrain in which control is needed. Continue reading→
Grazing pressure – Kangaroo management survey
Grazing pressure – the combined consumption of plant matter by all herbivores. The population density of different species, their different feeding styles, and even different... Continue reading→
Feral cats rely on rabbits
Feral cats are more dependent on rabbits as prey than quolls are, and cats favour areas where rabbits are more common. Reducing rabbit numbers is a good bet if wanting to reduce feral cat numbers. Continue reading→
Overabundant herbivores. How they affect plant communities.
Herbivores are considered overabundant when they cause observable harm to a plant community. A framework for thinking about and recording overabundance is presented by John... Continue reading→
Rabbit Bio-Control. A massive boost to the environment.
Rabbits wrought untold damage to Australian landscapes, but rabbit bio-controls have been incredibly successful in triggering environmental recovery across massive areas of Australia. Continue reading→
Rabbits – Ecosystem engineers
Rabbits change entire ecosystems from the bottom up, and a couple of recent articles provide great examples of this, demonstrating how interconnected our environment is.... Continue reading→
Environmental recovery, on a rabbit-free foundation
Decimation of rabbits by calicivirus laid the foundation for a private sanctuary where rare species are now being reintroduced to the recovering habitat. Continue reading→