Rabbit Action Resources

Victorian Rabbit Action Network’s website has a treasure trove of resources to help people and communities to develop and implement rabbit control  plans. For great range of guides, videos and other publications see the website at vran.com.au.

Multi-pronged approach needed for rabbit control

Rabbits are a persistent problem in many parts of Australia and require an equally persistent, multi-pronged response – that’s the message from a recent ABC News report. The ability of rabbits to breed quickly in good seasons, and the ever-changing dynamics between rabbits and biological controls, make surges in wild rabbit populations an enduring threat […]

Coordinated neighbourhood rabbit control

Landholders are being encouraged to work with their neighbours to coordinate rabbit control programs on Eyre Peninsula. The local Landscape Board has issued a reminder that rabbits are a significant problem and that coordinated programs, timed to take advantage of seasonal conditions and the effectiveness of different control mechanisms, are the best solution. For more […]

Summer rabbits – how to respond

Early summer can result in more sightings of rabbits, especially young ones born since breeding that was stimulated by spring rainfall. The RHDV1-K5 virus has been approved for release but it doesn’t kill young rabbits – it actually provides them with life-long immunity. So now is not the time for a planned K5 release. Instead, […]

Revamped Pest Management Website – Rabbit control guides

The PestSmart website, which provides best practice guides for rabbits and other vertebrate pests, has been revamped by the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions. Structured around a Plan > Manage > Improve framework, it provides a practical approach and countless resources all tailored to help land managers deal with invasive pests. As examples, for rabbits, […]

Feral cats inquiry

A submission from Foundation for Rabbit-Free Australia was one of over  hundred received by the Standing Committee on the Environment and Energy as part of its ‘Inquiry into the problem of feral and domestic cats in Australia’. The issue was referred to the House of Representatives committee by the Minister for the Environment, the Hon […]

Rabbits = headaches in the Adelaide Hills

Rabbits are rampant throughout the Adelaide Hills at present, according to listeners of ABC Radio Adelaide. Residents have called in from across the Hills with stories of abundant rabbits and the problems they are causing. People are noticing damage to crops and pastures, as well as gardens and vegetable patches, and even some undermining of […]

Landline tells Myxo story.

Medical doctor and scientist, Dame Jean Macnamara, is credited with making Myxomatosis the great success story of biological control and applied science that it is. It wouldn’t have happened without her perseverance, and now the ABC is sharing her story, that of others who also worked to establish Myxomatosis, and the success that followed. It […]

Rabbits damaging crops in WA Central Wheatbelt

Rabbit numbers in the West Australian central wheatbelt have built up to levels that damage crops and pastures, according to the Central Wheatbelt Biosecurity Association. “While that damage is hard to quantify, when you see rabbits by the hundreds at night time and even quite a few running around during the day, you know that […]

Rabbits reduce albatross breeding success

Long term monitoring on Macquarie Island has shown that when rabbit populations were high the probability of albatross breeding dropped by one to two thirds. The studies also revealed a web of interactions between cats, rabbits, vegetation and albatrosses. Data collected between 1995 and 2014 showed that rabbit numbers increased when feral cats were removed […]