Rebounding Rangelands
Rains have triggered a native fauna recovery – thanks to RHDV.
Rains have triggered a native fauna recovery – thanks to RHDV.
Rabbits leave Mornington Peninsula resident ‘hopping mad’ after invading residential properties.
Nearly 4,000 blood samples from rabbits across Australia help explain the spread of RHDV2
Biological controls have been the only effective measure to suppress European wild rabbits across Australia to date, providing opportunities for subsequent control through physical measures like ripping and baiting. However the virulence of bio-controls declines over time as the control agent and rabbits evolve, so a ‘pipeline’ of new control agents is necessary to avoid […]
There’s a place for every creature. Protect it in it’s place, and make sure it doesn’t invade that of another.
Lowering rabbit numbers helps control cats, and is an essential part of wildlife recovery programs.
Easter Bilby champions the cause of Australian plants and animals – reclaiming their place in the Australian environment.
It is no joke – a webinar on April 1st will share 3 steps to rabbit control and the benefits to native vegetation.
A national feral photo and video competition is underway.
Landholders collaborate to control rabbits, cats and foxes in southern WA.