Start at the bottom for landscape recovery

The continuing ecological recovery of Macquarie Island demonstrates the effectiveness of starting at the bottom of the food web to generate landscape health. An initial focus on feral cats triggered a boom in rabbit and rat populations. Eliminating rabbits, rats and mice paved the way for predator removal and triggered a revival in vegetative habitat […]

Bushfire Recovery = Rabbit control time

The importance of rabbit control to aid bushland regeneration after fires has been stressed by the Foundation for Rabbit-Free Australia, through the media and correspondence with government. Rabbits selective grazing threatens the re-emergence of some plant species and, after fires, there are likely to be fewer predators around – yet warrens are more exposed. The […]

Controlling ferals so native plants and animals survive.

Several recent news stories highlight the importance of controlling feral animals, like rabbits, cats and foxes, in order to restore native ecosystems. Scientists have shown that invasive species are responsible for hundreds of species becoming extinct, and have concluded that removing invasive species from islands would benefit nearly 10% of the most endangered species on […]