Feral cats inquiry

A submission from Foundation for Rabbit-Free Australia was one of over  hundred received by the Standing Committee on the Environment and Energy as part of its ‘Inquiry into the problem of feral and domestic cats in Australia’. The issue was referred to the House of Representatives committee by the Minister for the Environment, the Hon […]

Rabbits = headaches in the Adelaide Hills

Rabbits are rampant throughout the Adelaide Hills at present, according to listeners of ABC Radio Adelaide. Residents have called in from across the Hills with stories of abundant rabbits and the problems they are causing. People are noticing damage to crops and pastures, as well as gardens and vegetable patches, and even some undermining of […]

Managing Invasive Species – impacts & indicators

Invasive species are credited with reducing global GDP by 5% (see the article by Dropulich), but it is difficult to get a real handle on the losses they cause. Financial losses are one thing – it is even harder to measure and value environmental losses. As an example of the latter, a recent paper by […]

Geelong Council plans rabbit control

‘Rabbits have caused serious damage to habitats, vegetation and farmland throughout our region’, according to Geelong Mayor, Stephanie Asher. The Geelong Council believe controlling rabbits, to prevent further harm to habitats and land, is vital to protecting the region’s environment. They’ve released a draft Control Plan for community feedback. See the Bay939 article by Lewis […]

31st Newsletter Available

The real story behind Easter Bunny, latest grants from Rabbit-Free Australia, or an update on calicivirus – no matter what your interest there is something for you in RFA’s 31st Newsletter, which is now available for public viewing: View it on-line, or Download a PDF

Latest Rabbit-Free Newsletter

The 31st Newsletter from Rabbit-Free Australia is now available. It has been sent to all Foundation members and is available for on-line viewing. If you would like to support the Foundation in raising awareness and supporting research, a membership form (and a donation option) can be found at the website.

Long term benefits from rabbit control.

The long term benefits of rabbit control are likely to outweigh the short term costs for native species affected by ‘prey-switching’, is the conclusion of a recent New Zealand study. The research examined the effects of rabbit control on ferrets (an invasive predator) and alternative prey species. It found that after rabbits were controlled, ferret […]

Tassie Devils help Bandicoots.

Bandicoots flourish in the presence of Tasmanian Devils, apparently because the Devils suppress feral cats that otherwise prey on the native mammals, according to a recent study by Calum Cunningham of the University of Tasmania. The research found 58% fewer cats in areas with healthy devil populations compared to places where devils had declined; and […]

It’s time for Easter Bilbies, Not Bunnies.

Twenty seven years ago, in conjunction with the Foundation for Rabbit Free Australia (RFA), Haigh’s created Australia’s first chocolate Easter Bilby. Part proceeds from sales go to the Foundation’s work to control rabbits and thus protect the native Bilby’s environment. It’s about ‘Bilbies Not Bunnies’ – reclaiming the Bilby’s place in the Australian environment. Read more […]

Post Fire Rabbit Management.

Post-fire field conditions can be an opportunity to control wild rabbits. Warrens may be exposed, and it is timely to remove rabbits before they retard the regrowth of vegetation and influence which species recover and which don’t. The Victorian Rabbit Action Network present a guide for rabbit control in fire-affected landscapes in the Feb. 2020 […]