The Koonamore vegetation monitoring reserve shows rabbit control is essential for the regeneration of many tree and shrub seedlings – and a donation from RFA is helping with re-fencing.
Thanks to funding support from RFA and others, Koonamore – the longest running vegetation monitoring project in Australia – has been able to upgrade part of the reserve’s rabbit-proof boundary fencing. It helps ensure the reserve continues to provide invaluable evidence about the ecology of semi-arid Australia.
Officially titled the TGB Osborn Vegetation Reserve, Koonamore Station, the 4km square reserve is managed by the University of Adelaide and an enthusiastic team of volunteers, lecturers past and present, and students. The site is used by students and researchers from both Adelaide and Flinders universities.
For more information, see ’90 Years of Change. The TGB Osborn Vegetation Reserve, Koonamore’.