
Foundation for Rabbit-Free Australia relies on a raft of volunteers for all sorts of jobs and assistance, enabling the bulk of our income to be channelled to the aims of the organisation. We enjoy the culture it instils within the Foundation. 

Volunteering can be through serving on our Committee, being an Adviser, providing pro-bono professional services, or simply offering your time and skills.

Areas where volunteers assist us, or would be welcome, include:

  • Administrative duties; from collecting the mail and filing to managing databases and mail-outs.
  • Project management; administering our annual call and overseeing milestone reporting.
  • Accounting, finance and audit services; making sure our books and procedures are up to date, accurate and properly managed.
  • Membership management; from designing and managing membership campaigns to ensuring members have nothing but positive experiences through their involvement with the Foundation.
  • Marketing and Fundraising; designing, advising and assisting with marketing and fundraising campaigns.
  • Business partnerships; helping to develop commercial relationships with businesses supporting the Foundation and/or Easter Bilby and Easter Bilby’s Friends initiatives.
  • Communication; everything from media and social media management to developing content, science writing or editing, and laying out publications.
  • Website management; help develop websites and keep them running smoothly.
  • IT services; anything from help with our Wild Apricot membership management system and assistance in making the most of grants from Microsoft and Google, to managing email accounts and overseeing cybersecurity protocols.
  • Special Projects; developing or managing initiatives of any kind – from the Easter Bilby’s Friends campaign with children’s books and its own website, to working with special interest groups like peri-urban rabbit managers.
  • Research Management; advising on research investments and guiding future research directions.
  • Rabbit Expertise; applying technical knowledge to help develop information products and to answer the many questions we get from people wanting to better manage their rabbit problems.

Meet some of our cherished volunteers, in the brochure available here.

If you, a friend, family member or associate has a special skill or interest to share with the Foundation, please CONTACT US

We have all sorts of plans where a volunteer could help and would love to hear from you.