Rabbits – Australia’s worst invasive species

Rabbits negatively impact more threatened species in Australia than does any other invasive species, according to the Threatened Species Recovery Hub. Over 300 threatened native species are at increased risk due to rabbits – more than from any other invasive species. For more information, see the report by Kearney et.al (2018) in Pacific Conservation Biology […]

Diverse genetics indicates diverse origins

Australia’s feral rabbits fall into three primary genetic lineages, with three other highly localised ones, according to a recently published research paper. The results suggest the rabbits originated from different introductions across the country, rather than a single site. The research, assisted in part by funding from the Foundation for Rabbit Free Australia, examined the […]

PhD opportunity. Ferals and Food Webs.

Can controlling rabbits control feral cats? The University of Tasmania is offering research opportunities in Tasmania, South Australia and New Zealand. For more information see NRM jobs.