Barking up the wrong tree – rabbits a major threat to rangeland vegetation

A recent paper in the Rangeland Journal has concluded that attempts to preserve plant biodiversity by removing livestock are destined to fail in rabbit-grazed rangelands. The paper cites studies that show little evidence of grazing-sensitive plants finding refuge in water-remote areas (sites of low grazing pressure from livestock) – while plant biodiversity gradients are readily […]

Key Facts about rabbit biocontrol

Notes about the history of rabbits and biocontrols in Australia have been uploaded to the PestSmart website. For more information see the Key Facts.

Rabbit control trials announced

The Australian Government has announced that the RHDV1 K5 virus will be released in 2017 at more than 600 trial sites across the nation. For more information, see the media release.

RFA AGM Nov 17th, 2016

The AGM for Rabbit Free Australia will be held at the Santos Conservation Centre (Adelaide Zoo) on Thursday Nov 17th, from 2:00 PM. In addition to the formalities of the Annual General Meeting, Adjunct Professor Wayne Meyer will provide an address on ‘Natural Resource Management and Rabbits’.

RFA supports the Koonamore Appeal

Rabbit Free Australia is pleased to support the Koonamore Appeal, to maintain rabbit-proof fencing on the iconic Koonamore ecological monitoring site. The ongoing success of the oldest continuously monitored scientific site in the world rests on having stock and rabbit-proof fencing. For more information see the University of Adelaide’s Koonamore Appeal website.

RHDV2 found in WA

A strain of calici virus (RHDV2) first found in eastern Australia in 2015 has now been detected in Western Australia. For more information see the WA DAF media release.

Prey-switching research planned at Roxby

Hugh McGregor is planning to study how cats and foxes respond to the arrival of RHDV2 at the Arid recovery research site at Roxby Downs, in terms of their numbers and diet. For more information see the Arid Recovery News.

Rabbit skin coat – life in the 1940s

A ladies rabbit fur coat, worn in the 1940s, reveals a charming story. A post by Jon Lineen of the National Museum tells the story of a beautiful coat and of rural life in the 1940s.

Help rabbit control by reporting local activity

In preparation for the release of RHDV1 K5, landholders and the community are being asked to help develop baseline information about rabbit numbers and to provide any evidence of disease-affected rabbits in their area. people can get involved in two ways: Record rabbit activity in your local area in August or September in RabbitScan, preferably after completing a […]

Qld rabbit fanciers risk fines

Gold Coast owners of an escaped flemish giant rabbit face heavy penalties – keeping rabbits is prohibited in Queensland. For the full story see the Gold Coast Bulletin article.