Prey-switching research planned at Roxby

Hugh McGregor is planning to study how cats and foxes respond to the arrival of RHDV2 at the Arid recovery research site at Roxby Downs, in terms of their numbers and diet. For more information see the Arid Recovery News.

Help rabbit control by reporting local activity

In preparation for the release of RHDV1 K5, landholders and the community are being asked to help develop baseline information about rabbit numbers and to provide any evidence of disease-affected rabbits in their area. people can get involved in two ways: Record rabbit activity in your local area in August or September in RabbitScan, preferably after completing a […]

Great booklet about new bio-control RHDV1 K5

A great booklet full of information about the selection of RHDV1 K5 as a new biological control for rabbits in Australia has been produced by the Invasive Animals CRC. The booklet also sets out how landholders can involved in the release of the virus, and gives some history of rabbits and former control measures in Australia.

RHDV2 and RHDV1 – April 2016 update

RHDV1 has been used as a bio-agent for rabbit control in Australia since 1996. A new virus, RHDV2, has now been found in NSW, Victoria and SA. For more information see the Update from the Invasive Animals CRC.

Fewer rabbits > fewer feral predators > more small mammals

Amazing increases in the distribution and occurrence of the dusky hopping mouse, plains mouse and crest-tailed mulgara have been attributed to rabbit control. RHDV suppressed rabbit numbers, reducing competition for food and the pressure from rabbit-dependent predators like cats and foxes.