Learning Networks spread rabbit control

The Victorian Rabbit Action Network is running a training program to help people develop local rabbit control groups, or ‘learning networks’. Participants in the 2.5 day course can apply for a $1,000 grant to support local rabbit control projects. For more information see Leadership in Rabbit Control Course.

Conservation starts with rabbit control.

Concerted efforts at rabbit control by the Trust for Nature on their Ned’s Corner property are paying off. The Trust purchased the property west of Mildura fifteen years ago and has been targeting rabbits with a variety of control measures, including spreading RHDV-K5. Land that was once eroded by rabbits is now regenerating – more […]

Grants for rabbit control

The Victorian Rabbit Action Network is supporting a Victorian grants program to help with rabbit control. For more information, see the article in The Courier.

90 Years & Still Changing. RFA helps Koonamore.

The Koonamore vegetation monitoring reserve shows rabbit control is essential for the regeneration of many tree and shrub seedlings – and a donation from RFA is helping with re-fencing. Thanks to funding support from RFA and others, Koonamore – the longest running vegetation monitoring project in Australia – has been able to upgrade part of […]

High hopes for wild rabbit control

PIRSA, NRM and Landcare groups across South Australia are part of a national release of the RHDV1-K5 virus and there are high hopes it will be effective in high rainfall country. Researchers will monitor rabbit populations at trial release sites, and landholders are urged to take advantage of any drop in rabbit numbers with ground […]

Rabbits raid $1million of lettuces

A family of feral bunnies can eat $1 million worth of lettuce in a year, and that is why producers in the Lockyer Valley are supporting the Darling Downs Moreton Rabbit Board in a control program. For more information see the Rural Weekly interview with Dr David Berman.  

RFA supports the Koonamore Appeal

Rabbit Free Australia is pleased to support the Koonamore Appeal, to maintain rabbit-proof fencing on the iconic Koonamore ecological monitoring site. The ongoing success of the oldest continuously monitored scientific site in the world rests on having stock and rabbit-proof fencing. For more information see the University of Adelaide’s Koonamore Appeal website.

Help rabbit control by reporting local activity

In preparation for the release of RHDV1 K5, landholders and the community are being asked to help develop baseline information about rabbit numbers and to provide any evidence of disease-affected rabbits in their area. people can get involved in two ways: Record rabbit activity in your local area in August or September in RabbitScan, preferably after completing a […]