Revamped Pest Management Website – Rabbit control guides

The PestSmart website, which provides best practice guides for rabbits and other vertebrate pests, has been revamped by the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions. Structured around a Plan > Manage > Improve framework, it provides a practical approach and countless resources all tailored to help land managers deal with invasive pests. As examples, for rabbits, […]

Geelong Council plans rabbit control

‘Rabbits have caused serious damage to habitats, vegetation and farmland throughout our region’, according to Geelong Mayor, Stephanie Asher. The Geelong Council believe controlling rabbits, to prevent further harm to habitats and land, is vital to protecting the region’s environment. They’ve released a draft Control Plan for community feedback. See the Bay939 article by Lewis […]

Bushfire Recovery = Rabbit control time

The importance of rabbit control to aid bushland regeneration after fires has been stressed by the Foundation for Rabbit-Free Australia, through the media and correspondence with government. Rabbits selective grazing threatens the re-emergence of some plant species and, after fires, there are likely to be fewer predators around – yet warrens are more exposed. The […]

Post Fire Rabbit Management.

Post-fire field conditions can be an opportunity to control wild rabbits. Warrens may be exposed, and it is timely to remove rabbits before they retard the regrowth of vegetation and influence which species recover and which don’t. The Victorian Rabbit Action Network present a guide for rabbit control in fire-affected landscapes in the Feb. 2020 […]

Rabbit Control Webinar.

Now is the perfect time to get on to rabbit control and predator management, before it’s too late. Join Josh Rosser (SA Rabbit Control Coordinator) to discuss fox and rabbit control in a special webinar, Wed, Feb. 5th. For more information, see the Sheep Connect website.

Using ‘wicked’ social science to control rabbits.

The Victorian Rabbit Action Network (VRAN) has been internationally acclaimed as a successful rabbit management program. Two recent social science papers describe their approach and some of the theory behind it. Key points: The Victorian Rabbit Action Network: Moved away from a top-down, regulatory (roles-based) approach. Defined rabbit management as a ‘wicked problem’ needing a […]

Vic Rabbit Action Network wins UN award.

Victoria’s Rabbit Action Network has gained international acclaim with a United Nations Public Service award, for ‘delivering more inclusive and equitable services’. The program, delivered by Agriculture Victoria, brings together whole communities – land managers, farmers, scientists, government officials and the wider community – to manage one of their most invasive species, the European wild […]

Coorong dunes recover thanks to rabbit controls

Successive biological controls for rabbits have been the most important factor in the recovery of sand dunes along the Coorong in South Australia. Researchers from Flinders University have recorded peaks in vegetation regrowth and dune stabilisation coinciding with various biological controls, ranging from myxomatosis (1952) and the rabbit flea (1968), to RHDV (in 1995 and […]

Rabbits get the ‘hooroo’ from Goorooyarroo

A cull of rabbits from the Goorooyarroo nature reserve, Canberra, is the next step in the expansion of a protected area and the reintroduction of native animals. It follows the erection of predator-proof fencing, and precedes a fox and cat control program, which will in-turn enable the extension of populations of bettong, eastern quolls and […]

For over 100 yrs native seedlings did not grow.

Victoria’s Mallee Parks are sprouting back to life after the control of rabbits and other feral animals, thanks to a 20 year program of control and regeneration. Young pine, buloke and belah trees now grow healthy, where seedlings previously failed to survive. The parks are once more a fully functioning ecosystem, providing habitat and healthy […]