Inaction is a choice – selecting invasives to flourish

Something is going to die. It will be invasive species or it will be indigenous species. Inaction is a choice for invasives to survive to the detriment of indigenous species. That is the gist of a reflection on New Zealand’s Predator Free 2050 goal, published in New Zealand Geographic. ‘If we leave predators to it, […]

Sociology & Ecology – choosing what to value most

Calls for ‘compassionate conservation’ (the protection of individual wild animals, regardless of whether they are native or an introduced invasive species) may be rebuffed by ecologists, citing any number of examples of the environmental harm caused by invasive species and the environmental benefits that come from their control or eradication. However, several social issues are […]

Rabbits get the ‘hooroo’ from Goorooyarroo

A cull of rabbits from the Goorooyarroo nature reserve, Canberra, is the next step in the expansion of a protected area and the reintroduction of native animals. It follows the erection of predator-proof fencing, and precedes a fox and cat control program, which will in-turn enable the extension of populations of bettong, eastern quolls and […]

Killing wild rabbits conserves native mammals

Ecological modellers have shown how reducing wild rabbit numbers helps maintain small native mammals. Benefits for small mammals occur when 30-40% of rabbits are removed through a mix of biological and physical controls. Higher rates of rabbit removal can lead to a decline in small mammals in the short term, but with subsequent long term […]

PhD opportunity. Ferals and Food Webs.

Can controlling rabbits control feral cats? The University of Tasmania is offering research opportunities in Tasmania, South Australia and New Zealand. For more information see NRM jobs.

Predator Free NZ

Plans have been announced for New Zealand to be predator free by 2050. The initial targets will be rats, possums and stoats. The news has been widely welcomed, although some have cautioned about the need for integrated programs to avoid unintended ecological changes. For more information, see Rabbit Free New Zealand.