This page contains links to selected media reports on rabbit issues and rabbit control.
Please contact us if you see anything that should be included.
Media Categories
Weeds & Rabbits
Blackberries provide great shelter for rabbits, so it makes good sense to clean them up together – and that’s what the Weeds & Rabbits Project... Continue reading→
Rabbit-Free Membership
Its membership time at Rabbit-Free Australia. Join now and help control wild rabbits in Australia. Continue reading→
Wildlife recovery rides on pest control
Wildlife re-introductions to managed reserves help demonstrate what the environment was like before rabbits and feral predators were introduced to Australia. They are signposts to how we might meet the even bigger challenge of replicating that success in much larger unfenced areas. Continue reading→
1, 2, 3 for rabbit control
Bait, rip, fumigate - its time to plan for rabbit control. Continue reading→
Bilbies not bunnies. Reclaiming Australian landscapes.
Reclaiming Australian landscapes - rabbit control is an important first step. Continue reading→
Rebounding Rangelands
Rains have triggered a native fauna recovery - thanks to RHDV. Continue reading→
Showcase of integrated solutions
Landholders and agencies providing a great example of integrated rabbit control. Continue reading→
Hopping mad about rabbits
Rabbits leave Mornington Peninsula resident 'hopping mad' after invading residential properties. Continue reading→
New light on the spread of RHDV2
Nearly 4,000 blood samples from rabbits across Australia help explain the spread of RHDV2 Continue reading→
Lab work to confront rabbits
Biological controls have been the only effective measure to suppress European wild rabbits across Australia to date, providing opportunities for subsequent control through physical measures... Continue reading→
Pygmy Rabbits of North America
There's a place for every creature. Protect it in it's place, and make sure it doesn't invade that of another. Continue reading→
Connections – rabbits, cats & bilbies
Lowering rabbit numbers helps control cats, and is an essential part of wildlife recovery programs. Continue reading→