This page contains links to selected media reports on rabbit issues and rabbit control.
Please contact us if you see anything that should be included.
Media Categories
Bilbies Not Bunnies
The ‘Bilbies not Bunnies’ slogan is a reminder of the harm rabbits cause and the need to control them if native plants and animals are... Continue reading→
Easter Bilby: Hope and new life
Our ‘bilbies not bunnies’ slogan is a reminder of Easter Bilby’s message of hope and new life. Throughout much of Australia removing wild rabbits is... Continue reading→
Rabbit control: Kick-start landscape recovery
A systems approach is needed to ensure threatened species survive outside of fenced sanctuaries. Rabbit control, especially when linked with cat and fox control, will be an important foundation to such efforts in many parts of Australia due to their ecosystem-wide influence. Continue reading→
Floods – time for rabbit control
Following floods and wet seasons in much of Australia it is time to think about strategic responses for recovery programs. Feral pests – especially rabbits... Continue reading→
2023 Rabbit R&D Webinar
Registration is now open for the 2023 Rabbit R&D Webinar, co-hosted by Rabbit-Free Australia and CISS (Centre for Invasive Species Solutions). This year the Webinar... Continue reading→
Summer is rabbit control time
Summer is the ideal time for rabbit control through much of Australia, with conditions suitable for baiting, ripping and (assuming rabbits have stopped breeding in... Continue reading→
Gene drive for mice
In a global first, gene drive technology has been successfully applied to an invasive mammal. Previous applications have targeted invertebrates, like malaria-spreading mosquitoes. In this... Continue reading→
Pest eradication, a key to ecological restoration
Programs to eradicate invasive rats, cats, rabbits and goats have been a key to restoring the ecology on islands around the world according to a recent assessment of attempts on nearly 1,000 islands. Continue reading→
Myxo still active
Current strains of myxomatosis are far more virulent than that released in 1950, but rabbits have increased resistance as well. Nonetheless, myxo is still important for rabbit control in Australia. Continue reading→
Next-Generation Biocontrol
Symposium to explore the technical opportunities and social implications of next-gen biocontrols for invasive species. Continue reading→
Time for a National Rabbit Action Plan
Foundation for Rabbit-Free Australia is calling for the appointment of a national rabbit management coordinator and the development of a National Action Plan for rabbits.... Continue reading→
Rabbit-Free Phillip Island
Protecting houses and ‘at-risk’ vegetation from rabbits are goals for ‘Rabbit-Free Phillip Island’. Continue reading→