This page contains links to selected media reports on rabbit issues and rabbit control.
Please contact us if you see anything that should be included.
Media Categories
National Rabbit Coordinator: Discussion Paper
Foundation for Rabbit-Free Australia has released a Discussion Paper outlining the case for a National Rabbit Management Coordinator, following broad consultation and in response to regulalry... Continue reading→
Backyard Bunnies
Rabbits seem to be a growing problem in urban and peri-urban areas around Australia. They cause problems ranging from raiding the veggie patch to undermining... Continue reading→
Rabbit resistance to myxo
A recent analysis shows that wild rabbits in Australia developed resistance to myxomavirus in a stepped manner, with the second step likely triggered by the... Continue reading→
Feral cats, rabbits and native mice. Connections.
An entertaining Blog by ecologist John Read reveals the dedication of researchers, sheds light on how rabbits sustain feral cats and foxes resulting in hyper-predation... Continue reading→
Heatwaves: How rabbits respond
A future climate with more heatwaves could leave rabbits more exposed to heat stress and predators – that’s one of the insights from a recent... Continue reading→
Its Membership time
Want to help promote research into better rabbit management and stay up to date with news of the latest developments in rabbit control? Then now... Continue reading→
Planning pays for rabbit control
Effective planning is one of the keys to effective rabbit control – and now is a great time to start planning a summer control program.... Continue reading→
Post-calici: Rabbits still a problem
Grazing by rabbits, even at post-calici densities, can still inhibit the recruitment of palatable plant species and result in more weeds like horehound; that is... Continue reading→
Start at the bottom for landscape recovery
The continuing ecological recovery of Macquarie Island demonstrates the effectiveness of starting at the bottom of the food web to generate landscape health. An initial... Continue reading→
Rabbit references: Webinar resources
The recent Rabbit R&D Update webinar was a source of great information on rabbits, bio-controls and the impact of rabbits on the environment, including sustaining... Continue reading→
World’s oldest continually monitored rabbit site
Monitored since an introduction of calicvirus in 1996, a rabbit colony on Turretfield Research Centre (South Australia) is the longest serving, continually monitored rabbit research... Continue reading→
Bilbies Not Bunnies
The ‘Bilbies not Bunnies’ slogan is a reminder of the harm rabbits cause and the need to control them if native plants and animals are... Continue reading→