Rabbit Bio-Control. A massive boost to the environment.
Rabbits wrought untold damage to Australian landscapes, but rabbit bio-controls have been incredibly successful in triggering environmental recovery across massive areas of Australia.
Rabbits wrought untold damage to Australian landscapes, but rabbit bio-controls have been incredibly successful in triggering environmental recovery across massive areas of Australia.
Rabbits change entire ecosystems from the bottom up, and a couple of recent articles provide great examples of this, demonstrating how interconnected our environment is. It all starts with rabbits eating native vegetation; often very selectively taking out seedlings of the tastiest species. They are so good at this that they can completely prevent the […]
Decimation of rabbits by calicivirus laid the foundation for a private sanctuary where rare species are now being reintroduced to the recovering habitat.
Blackberries provide great shelter for rabbits, so it makes good sense to clean them up together – and that’s what the Weeds & Rabbits Project has been promoting in Victoria. The project applied systems thinking to understand how people make decisions about pest and weed control, and to map the various groups and agencies involved. […]
Its membership time at Rabbit-Free Australia. Join now and help control wild rabbits in Australia.
Wildlife re-introductions to managed reserves help demonstrate what the environment was like before rabbits and feral predators were introduced to Australia. They are signposts to how we might meet the even bigger challenge of replicating that success in much larger unfenced areas.
Bait, rip, fumigate – its time to plan for rabbit control.
Reclaiming Australian landscapes – rabbit control is an important first step.
Rains have triggered a native fauna recovery – thanks to RHDV.
Landholders and agencies providing a great example of integrated rabbit control.