Phone app to help monitor rabbit disease

The Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre has released an app to record sightings of diseased rabbits and to request a tissue sampling kit so the exact cause of the disease may be identified. The information generated through the app will help landholders and researchers understand where different rabbit diseases are occurring. To learn more about […]

RFA supports the Koonamore Appeal

Rabbit Free Australia is pleased to support the Koonamore Appeal, to maintain rabbit-proof fencing on the iconic Koonamore ecological monitoring site. The ongoing success of the oldest continuously monitored scientific site in the world rests on having stock and rabbit-proof fencing. For more information see the University of Adelaide’s Koonamore Appeal website.

Great booklet about new bio-control RHDV1 K5

A great booklet full of information about the selection of RHDV1 K5 as a new biological control for rabbits in Australia has been produced by the Invasive Animals CRC. The booklet also sets out how landholders can involved in the release of the virus, and gives some history of rabbits and former control measures in Australia.

RHDV2 and RHDV1 – April 2016 update

RHDV1 has been used as a bio-agent for rabbit control in Australia since 1996. A new virus, RHDV2, has now been found in NSW, Victoria and SA. For more information see the Update from the Invasive Animals CRC.

Approval for eventual release of RHDV K5

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has approved the registration of a new RHDV K5 strain of rabbit calicivirus that will strengthen Australia’s ability to manage wild rabbits. Read more at the Minister’s Media Release. Landholders can register to be part of the national release. See PestSmart for more information.

Sniffing out rabbits to save Mala

Rabbit detection dogs, baiting, fumigation and controlled releases of Calicivirus have all helped to protect mala (rufous hare-wallaby) from competition by rabbits. See the full article from Parks Australia (2015).

Rewilding the Western Quoll

Western Quolls are benefitting from, and contributing to, ‘rewilding’ programs with controls for cats, foxes and rabbits. See the full blog from Rewilding Australia (2015)

Joint funding for eradication of rabbits on Macquarie Island

RFA has received letters from both the Hon. Paula Wriedt, MHA, Minister for Tourism, Arts & the Environment, Tasmania, and the Hon. Malcolm Turnbull, Federal Minister for the Environment and Water Resources thanking the Foundation for their interest in the eradication of rabbits and rodents on Macquarie Island. Both Ministers informed us that the Tasmanian […]