Less rabbit baiting following RHDV

The use of poisoned oats to control wild rabbits has decreased in South Australia, following the introduction of RHDV. After RHDV spread through SA in the late 1990s rabbit numbers were reduced so much that the average demand for poison decreased by about 60-70%, and a similar picture has emerged following the arrival of RHDV2. […]

K5 taking hold in NZ

The RHDV1 K5 virus is beginning to take hold in the Otago region of New Zealand. Landholders are urged to take advantage and follow-up with secondary controls. For more information, see the article in The Country, NZ Herald. Photo: Otago Daily Times

Rabbits – Criminals of the animal world.

Rabbits and foxes are ‘criminals of the animal world’ due to their impact on native plants and animals, according to park authorities in the Australian Capital Territory. Parks and Conservation (ACT) spend over $150,000 a year on rabbit control and are hopeful that RHDV-K5 will be active this autumn and winter. For more information, see […]

K5 effective in Lincoln National Park

The K5 strain of RHDV1 reduced wild rabbit numbers by 80% in the Lincoln National Park on SA’s Eyre Peninsula. For more information, see the article in the Port Lincoln Times. Photo from: Natural Resources EP

Conservation starts with rabbit control.

Concerted efforts at rabbit control by the Trust for Nature on their Ned’s Corner property are paying off. The Trust purchased the property west of Mildura fifteen years ago and has been targeting rabbits with a variety of control measures, including spreading RHDV-K5. Land that was once eroded by rabbits is now regenerating – more […]

Grants for rabbit control

The Victorian Rabbit Action Network is supporting a Victorian grants program to help with rabbit control. For more information, see the article in The Courier.

High hopes for wild rabbit control

PIRSA, NRM and Landcare groups across South Australia are part of a national release of the RHDV1-K5 virus and there are high hopes it will be effective in high rainfall country. Researchers will monitor rabbit populations at trial release sites, and landholders are urged to take advantage of any drop in rabbit numbers with ground […]

Prepare now for RHDV1 K5

Landholders and pet rabbit owners alike are being urged to prepare for the March, 2017 release of the K5 strain of RHDV1 (calici virus), at over 600 sites across Australia. Vaccination of pet rabbits is recommended, while landholders can visit the Healthier Landscapes website for advice and tools to optimize the benefits of K5 in […]

Rabbits raid $1million of lettuces

A family of feral bunnies can eat $1 million worth of lettuce in a year, and that is why producers in the Lockyer Valley are supporting the Darling Downs Moreton Rabbit Board in a control program. For more information see the Rural Weekly interview with Dr David Berman.  

Predator Free NZ

Plans have been announced for New Zealand to be predator free by 2050. The initial targets will be rats, possums and stoats. The news has been widely welcomed, although some have cautioned about the need for integrated programs to avoid unintended ecological changes. For more information, see Rabbit Free New Zealand.