Summer is rabbit control time

Summer is the ideal time for rabbit control through much of Australia, with conditions suitable for baiting, ripping and (assuming rabbits have stopped breeding in the absence of green grass) the release of RHDVK5. State and regional bodies have a key role to play in stimulating and supporting control programs and it is great to […]

Pest eradication, a key to ecological restoration

Programs to eradicate invasive rats, cats, rabbits and goats have been a key to restoring the ecology on islands around the world according to a recent assessment of attempts on nearly 1,000 islands.

Rabbit-Free Phillip Island

Protecting houses and ‘at-risk’ vegetation from rabbits are goals for ‘Rabbit-Free Phillip Island’.

Wild Deserts rebounding

The eradication of ‘every last rabbit, cat and fox’ provided the foundation for the reintroduction of native animals to Sturt National Park, in NW NSW. Two reserve areas, totaling 40 sq kms, are now supporting populations of greater bilbies, crest-tailed mulgara and Shark Bay bandicoots, after they disappeared from the area over 100 years ago. […]

Unholy trinity – rabbits, cats and foxes

In a recent contribution to The Conversation, Associate Professor Katherine Moseby (UNSW) refers to rabbits, cats and foxes as an unholy trinity. Rabbits competed with native mammals for food and became food themselves for cats and foxes – inflating predator numbers and adding to the predation of native mammals. Katherine has over 25 years of […]