Rabbits – ecosystem invaders

Rabbits and hares are the most widely spread herbivores in the Kosciuszko National Park, and are associated with less dense foliage, more bare ground and higher weed cover, according to a recent study published in Conservation Science and Practice. Rabbits were detected in 85% of study sites and over a wider range of elevations than […]

Grazing pressure – Kangaroo management survey

Grazing pressure – the combined consumption of plant matter by all herbivores. The population density of different species, their different feeding styles, and even different plant preferences – all those factors come together when trying to assess the ‘total grazing pressure’ on any area of land. Grazing pressure is often a key determinant of vegetation […]

Feral cats rely on rabbits

Feral cats are more dependent on rabbits as prey than quolls are, and cats favour areas where rabbits are more common. Reducing rabbit numbers is a good bet if wanting to reduce feral cat numbers.

Overabundant herbivores. How they affect plant communities.

Herbivores are considered overabundant when they cause observable harm to a plant community. A framework for thinking about and recording overabundance is presented by John Morgan in a special issue of Ecological Management and Restoration. The focus of this work is on overabundant macropods (wallabies and kangaroos), but the concepts are equally relevant to understanding […]

Rabbits – Ecosystem engineers

Rabbits change entire ecosystems from the bottom up, and a couple of recent articles provide great examples of this, demonstrating how interconnected our environment is. It all starts with rabbits eating native vegetation; often very selectively taking out seedlings of the tastiest species. They are so good at this that they can completely prevent the […]

Weeds & Rabbits

Blackberries provide great shelter for rabbits, so it makes good sense to clean them up together – and that’s what the Weeds & Rabbits Project has been promoting in Victoria. The project applied systems thinking to understand how people make decisions about pest and weed control, and to map the various groups and agencies involved. […]

Rabbit-Free Membership

Its membership time at Rabbit-Free Australia. Join now and help control wild rabbits in Australia.